FedEx International Road Safety Award 2023
Special UN Accréditation
National Award For Road Safety 2021
iRAP QR Accreditation of Star Ratings for Schools
National Road Safety Month 2025
The 36th National Road Safety Month is being observed form 1 - 30 January 2025. We are working to spread the road safety messages espaiclly among #Youth to participate in Road Safety Responsibly. We are joining hand s with all stskeholders at Local, Regional and National Level.
#CommitToLife #RethinkMobility
The 4th Ministerial Conference on Road Safety aims to accelerate action toward #SDG 3.6 .AVOID ACCIDENT has signed the @UNRSC open letter and joined the fellow civil society organizations to call for stronger commitment to reduce read deaths & injuries by 2030.
Join our joint call for action.:
Road Safety Activities
Our Impact Stories of Road Safety
We got grand success in bringing a big policy change in lowering speed limits to 25KMH around schools in many states of northern India. The Government of Punjab has kindly notified the Safe and Slow Speed limit of 25Km/H around schools on 1April 2022.
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We were succuessfully able to get revision in high speed limits In State of Punjab. With our advocacy the Government of Punjab Kindly agreed to reduce aproximately 20KMH speed limits for every category of road and every category of vehicle in year 2020.
The advertisements which instigate risky behaviours among people especially youth that contribute maximum shares in crashes, fatalities and injuries have been reported to the Advertisement Standard Council of India ASCI. Finally, the advertisement was banned after long hearings processes
The school children are easy and readily available audience for programs , awareness rallies and marches. With our efforts Child Commission issued a comprehensive guidelines against common practice of pulling out school childern for awareness rallies without approvalk and consent of parents.
The Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 has been proclaimed by UN Resolution A/RES/74/299 with a target to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries by 50% by 2030. Safe roads and safe mobility are specifically recognised in SDG 3.6 and SDG 11.2
Justice for crash victims
“More must be done, not just to prevent crashes, but also to deliver justice and mitigates the suffering of victims.”
"Out loved ones were not lost. We know where they are. They were killed on the road, too often by law-breaking drivers".The bereaved families of road crash victims are not been facilitated with right and correct information of crash and other proceeding, simple and timely compensations to move on with never ending tragic pain.
Lets work for them and their concerns.
rethink mobility
"Universal design is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialised design." - Ronald Mace
Universal design is about ability, rather than disability. Accessible means use of a built environment without undue difficulties and without assistance. The RPWD Rules Section 15 states. "Every establishment shall comply with the standards relating to physical environment, transport and information and communication technology....." Let's Rethink Mobility